Anne Steele (1717–1778) was a prolific Baptist hymn writer, with her works being included in almost all hymnals published in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In 1760 she published ‘Poems on Subjects chiefly devotional,’ under the signature of ‘Theodosia,’ and after her death, this was reissued in three volumes, with numerous additions and with a preface by Dr Caleb Evans.
Her complete works were published in one volume by Daniel Sedgwick, under the title of ‘Hymns, Psalms, and Poems by Anne Steele, with a memoir by John Sheppard.’ They include 144 hymns, 34 metrical psalms, and about 50 poems on moral subjects.
Although Anne received numerous marriage proposals she never married. Anne felt her calling was as a poet and hymn writer and she devoted herself to these pursuits, recognising that if she married her domestic responsibilities would hinder her ability to fulfil this calling.
She died on 11 Nov. 1778, ‘aged 61 years and 6 months’ (inscription on her tombstone at Broughton). No portrait is known to exist for Anne Steele.