We will provide practical sessions and training which will help both protect and tell the story of your local congregation.
Our next course will be on the 23rd September 2017 at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, OX1 2LB.
Please book by clicking on the button the the right.
We recognise that while many people acknowledge that it is important to protect and share their churches story, they often are unsure how to to it, particularly given the changing forms of communication.
We will be running courses which will help you discover how to best protect your records, covering areas such as in archiving, conserving and protecting your church records.
Archiving for the Future – Issues covered will include: electronic archiving, protecting future records, caring for old records, storing records and papers.
Writing your church history – Free practical sessions and training will help you to develop new skills for writing your church history.
The courses cost £8 per session or £10 for the day, this is to cover the costs of the day.
If you are interested in hosting or participating in on of these courses, please email us for further information: angus.library@regents.ox.ac.uk